D is for development

A-Z of Fostering – D is for Development

It would be all too easy, after almost 27 years, for us to sit back and believe that we have seen it all and know it all at Chrysalis Care. Afterall, we have been fostering children and young people and supporting their foster carers, since 1997, so we know a thing or two about fostering!

In spite of this, we have never rested on our laurels and continue to centre development as key to our high-quality service and also to our growth.

We have a vibrant, varied and interesting Learning and Development programme, which you can read more about https://chrysaliscarefostering.org/together/learning-development/. Our foster carers and staff members enjoy regular opportunities to talk through their experiences, iron out any issues and develop their insight in relation to how to provide the very best care for children and young people.  This covers everything from learning about Attachment theory, Trauma, child development, managing behaviours, therapeutic approaches, safeguarding, health and safety, paediatric first aid – the list really is endless!

Alongside the training we provide, foster carers attend support groups, personal development sessions and forums, to ensure they are fully furnished in their fostering journey.  After all these years, we can confidently say that we have a formula that works.

If you are keen to develop yourself and engage in the ongoing learning to be empowered to provide foster care to a high standard, perhaps you could become part of the transformative Chrysalis Care story?

Visit our contact us page https://chrysaliscarefostering.org/contact-us/ and take a look at our FAQ https://chrysaliscarefostering.org/latest-news-2/ or call us on 02082982800; email us at info@chrysaliscare.org.  We are always happy to answer any questions and help you to decide if fostering is for you and look out for our next blog in this series – to learn about why Experiences, Memories and Milestones are a crucial aspect of fostering.

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