Golden Cap

The Golden Cap – a fostering story of hope

At Chrysalis Care, we never pass up a chance to tell a good news story, so when we heard the story of the gold swim cap, it was an irresistible blog opportunity.  In almost 27 years, we have heard many but this one carries such a poignant message of growth, team work and hope; through a simple activity, it reminded us once again, of why we do what we do.

When S was first fostered, he struggled with his face becoming wet and even washing his hair, he needed a ‘shampoo shield’.  Fortunately, S is supported by not only a wonderful Chrysalis Care foster carer but is also ‘case managed’ by a local authority social worker who endeavours to go ‘the extra mile’.Consequently, the social worker took S swimming, rather than do a home visit, which later led to structured swimming lessons. As a beginner, S wore a red swim cap, progressing through the levels to an amber cap, a green cap, a bronze cap, silver and eventually, the coveted gold cap.

The story of the award of gold cap was especially magical because S was not aware that he was being assessed for it, until after the lesson and he was the only child of the group to be awarded it.  He wasn’t trying to be awarded, he was just simply doing what he now loves.

Yes! S now LOVES swimming.  He is no longer afraid to get his face wet.  He confidently swims full lengths and knows many swimming styles.

His foster carer praises S for having the correct mindset and dedication to have progressed so far, in so little time.  Although the foster carer played their part in facilitating and ensuring that S was where he needed to be each week, they are clear that this was led by S, who never wanted to miss a lesson and his beaming smile shines greater than his gold swim cap!

Just as well that S feels such an inner sense of achievement because as someone who wins lots of awards and certificates, his foster carer says that they are running our of ideas for rewards! The foster carer proudly declares that, “He is such an amazing all-rounder.”

The poignancy of this story is that it clearly conveys what ‘securing good outcomes’ can look like….affecting physical health, mental health, confidence and self esteem.  It very simply demonstrates how when professionals work together to put the child’s needs first, great things can happen.

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