G is for Guidance

A-Z of Fostering – G is for Guidance

After almost 27 years, Chrysalis Care has earned the right to be self-proclaimed experts. There’s not much we do not know about fostering and in many ways, we are fostering pioneers!

Fostering is very much a parallel process.

We expect great things from our foster carers and in turn, we know that we need to give great things too. This begins with guidance and being on call 24/7, as well as being on hand to answer queries, provide respite and offer a professional steer.

Our qualified and experienced supervising social workers are full of gems to impart, providing reflective spaces for our foster carers to mull over uncertain situations and seek guidance when they need it.

As an Independent, family-run Fostering Agency founded in 1997, we provide fostering in all sorts of scenarios – short term, long term, parent and child, disability and our foster carers come in all shapes and sizes too – married, single, parents, retired…there are no circumstances we will not consider, as long as people can provide a loving home, where children can flourish. Alongside supervision and on-call facility, an aspect of our guidance, is in our learning and development programme, which is a diverse hive of enriching activities. We provide personal development sessions, parent and child foster carer forums, single carer forums, men who foster sessions and are always open to suggestions for ways to improve.

Chrysalis Care have a longstanding reputation for providing high quality foster care and we intend to continue to uphold this. If you want to learn more about us, hop over to our FAQ https://chrysaliscarefostering.org/faqs/ and our other blogs. Our guidance begins even before you foster, so contact us, through our contact us page https://chrysaliscarefostering.org/contact-us/ call us on 02082982800, or email us at info@chrysaliscare.org we can answer any of your fostering questions. Look out for our next blog in the A-Z of fostering series to explore H is for Home.

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